By Komal

Glad you are here! The Positivity Tribe by Komal Alchouni is a community that promotes positive, happy and soulful living. The writing pieces in here are just for you to feel good and be in the moment as you read through each article. In this busy chaotic life of ours we hardly take some time aside to cherish our living, to pamper ourselves. We actually don’t even consider of being grateful of our lives and keep on regretting over the past mistakes. By bringing positivity to your life; you can simply elevate your living. Yes! The way you think, the way you treat yourself matters…The Positivity Tribe brings you soulful, simple, and highly feel good written stuffs, as you go through each blog or article you’ll possess a sense of positivity and belongingness. In this poetic and melancholic journey;Hope you enjoy reading!

As it say’s Soulfully.Thoughtfully.Positively.
All’s gonna be alright! ✨🦋

Why The Positivity Tribe?

The purpose of this page is to surge in positivity in your mind’s, and motivate you to the best. The Positivity Tribe bringing mindfulness and energy to your mind would simply uplift you to happiness. Here, you find just the perfect content to make you feel lighter in mind and euphoric at soul.


At some point or many times we all have been through this feeling called guilt. The guilt of doing something bad to someone or the guilt of hurting anyone or even the guilt of choosing something that was a bad decision you’d always regret for. At some point or many times we have been through…

To new beginning’s

Through highs and lows, through setbacks and failures; once again you have entered a new realm. Look back at your efforts and be grateful for your strengths. Look back at what you created and look back at your achievements. As you enter a new phase, don’t find it difficult to arrive fully into the present…

Realise it! You deserve it

There are times i hate myself! The way i am doing things, the way i am letting things happen to me. It’s humanly nature to criticise oneself, but do we praise ourselves and claim it to our own self that we deserve better? Better than we treat ourselves, better than we think we are! In…


Here’s something about life, we humans consistently change and adapt ourselves to the surroundings and let our past experience’s to be the sole examples of what we are supposed to do in the present. Have you ever realised of how constantly you are changing in pursuits of your life? Did you ever really take time…


There’s this fear amoung all of us, the fear of being lonely or the fear of loneliness. But I get amused by this thought and end up questioning myself, as to why do hate our own company so much? Why or what is the need to always be looking into something, someone to amuse ourselves?…


This word ‘resilience’, evokes a power inside me. This word has it all a human would need to be inspired. Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult and challenging experience, especially through mental and emotional health aspect. I have this surging thrust of energy inside me that it’s so much more…


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